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2.2 Notes: How does memory work? [± 60 minutes]

Learning outcomes: 

  • LO1: Recall how memory processes such as problem-solving, encoding, retrieval, retention, and recall work.
  • LO2: Identify the approaches to context-based learning, and the value derived from each approach.

1. Introduction

In any attempt to become an effective teacher, or improve upon your effectiveness as a teacher, it is first crucial to identify and adopt a specific teaching approach. You also need to understand how student learning occurs as a result of the teaching approach you choose. As you will recall, Module 1’s content looked at a high-level overview of teaching and learning. However, the focus of Module 1 was on identifying and understanding how you teach, with little focus placed on how students learn. Taking a closer look at the cognitive processes that underlie how humans learn can help ensure that your teaching methods are as effective as possible in reaching your students.

To begin addressing this question, this set of notes looks at human memory, which is the foundation of student comprehension and performance. In doing so, these notes discuss the cognitive processes that enable problem-solving, encoding, retrieval, retention, and memory recall. Through this content, you will have a better understanding of how learning works, and how best to tailor your teaching methods to facilitate student learning and comprehension.