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8.10 Reflective journal: What will you take away from this course? (graded activity) [± 60 minutes]

Learning outcomes: 

This activity is aligned with all of the learning outcomes specific to this module.

What will you take away from this course?

The pre- and post-reflection journals throughout the course have been designed to encourage you to become more reflective, intentional, and cognizant of your role as a teacher. Additionally, the content you have explored and the activities you have completed have been geared towards making you a more effective teacher. Based on your experiences throughout the course, consider the following questions:

  • What were the initial goals you set out to achieve through this course? Were you able to achieve them? If so, how? If not, why not?
  • What will you take away from this course?
  • If you had to identify one thing you learned in this course, what would it be and why?
  • Reflect on your journey toward becoming a reflective practitioner. In what ways have you become more reflective? What work remains? How has this course supported you in your journey?

Your reflection should not exceed 400 words.