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7.1 Reflective journal: What makes a successful teacher? (graded activity) [± 30 minutes]

Learning outcome: 

  • LO1: Outline the criteria that determine the success of a teacher.

What makes a successful teacher?

In Module 1’s post-reflection journal entry, you were asked to reflect on what you think makes a good teacher. This reflection was based on your current experiences as a teacher, or previous experience as a student, and ideas that are tied to your disciplinary identity. In this pre-reflection journal, we would like you to return to that topic, by considering the following questions:

  • Think about what you have learned throughout the course so far. Based on this information (and your experiences), what do you think makes a good teacher? Have your views altered from Module 1’s post-reflection? If so, why? If not, why not?
  • What is the difference between a good teacher and a successful teacher? What does it mean to be successful as a teacher, and why? How do you know when you are successful?
  • What are some things (specific to your teaching) that you feel good at, and what are some things you want to improve? Share your thoughts with your peers in the discussion forum and ask each other probing questions.

Your reflection should not exceed 300 words.


In Unit 3 of this module, you will be required to submit a 400- to 500-word teaching philosophy (or teaching statement) in which you outline your approach to teaching. This approach will be based on reflections on and analyses of the teaching narrative evident in your exploration of disciplinary expectations, choice of lesson planning techniques, student engagement strategies, assignment creation, syllabus design, etc.