Learning outcome:
- LO4: Use alternative teaching strategies (such as storytelling) as a method of teaching to engage students and deliver educational content effectively.
Teaching approaches
In this unit’s video, you were introduced to other ways to organize or frame your course material (such as storytelling), and how they may act as an alternative to organizational strategies (for example, writing the goals of the lesson on a board and following an introduction-body-conclusion structure). Based on the video’s content, and your experiences with different ways to organize course content, consider the following questions:
- In your experience, which organizational strategies have you found valuable, engaging, and effective, and why?
- Has your opinion on or approach to the most effective lesson planning and delivery altered since your completion of the pre-reflection? If so, how has it changed, and why? If not, why not?
- Do you use or have you come across other organizational strategies that you have found particularly effective? If so, what are they?
Share your thoughts and opinions with your peers. This forum is host to a diversity of disciplines, experiences, and backgrounds. It is therefore a valuable opportunity to learn from each other through informal peer teaching.