Learning outcome:
- LO1: Discuss the concept of rapport and how it may be used in creating a positive learning environment.
Welcome to the small group discussion forum, where you can work and communicate with your fellow students within your assigned group. For more information on how to use the small group discussion forum, or to confirm which small group you are in, please see the information in the Orientation Module.
To get started, select your group from the drop-down list below. You can then contribute to your group’s discussion on the topic for the week.
Note: Even though you are able to view all of the groups’ discussions, you can only interact in your specific group’s discussion. Remember that you can also make use of the @tagging function to reply to and collaborate with specific people within your small group. Enter the “@” symbol (default: shift + 2) and select the person’s name from the list of your fellow classmates, and continue typing your post. The person you tag will receive a notification that you’ve mentioned them.