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2.10 Enrichment activity: What makes for a good lesson? [± 30 minutes]

Learning outcome: 

  • LO8: Identify how attention, mind-wandering, and illusions of competence explain student difficulties and engagement.

What makes for a good lesson?

In the second set of notes within this unit, you explored a number of factors that affect student engagement within a learning environment. Although the concepts discussed in these notes (attention, mind-wandering, and illusions of learning) provided an idea of what may affect engagement, they are not the only reasons why students may struggle to actively engage in a learning environment.

Through this activity, you are encouraged to think about other causes for a lack of student engagement. To prompt your reflection on this topic, consider the following questions:

  • Think about a teaching experience that you found engaging and rewarding. What factors do you think made this a good lesson, and why?
  • If you have not had such an experience, consider what you think makes for a good lesson. Which additional factors do you think encourage student engagement? Why do you think so?

In completing this activity, think about how you can implement the factors you have identified into your next lesson.


This enrichment activity will support your completion of the post-reflection at the end of this module.